Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My discovery of the library

okay well Monash has been bragging about how amazing their library is and all... now i see why. So many levels and such a range of books. i really think i will be spending a lot of time in the good ol' library. i felt a bit excluded that i didnt bring my Mac with me. Didn't feel part of the cool always awesomely dressed asian group.

The books that i got are:

so80s- A Photographic Diary of a Decade, photographs by Patrick McMullan

Look at Me / Fashion and Photography in Britain / 1960 to the Present / The British Council 

Photo-Discourse > Critical Thought and Practise in Photography

 Creative Camera International Year Book 1977 (like the image but the year before)

Memories of Myself-  essays by Danny Lyon


Once i take a good look into these books i will post images and part i like for inspiration for the theme and also techniques i like etc. Not sure when this will be done but i am guessing tomorrow sometime... time for some essaying i think... gah :( 

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