Sunday, March 20, 2011

Gallery Visit

The gallery visit from the 9th of March was amazing, i felt at home.
my soul finally is starting to feel satisfied. 
i won't go into much detail at the moment seeing as i have so many things to do but i will exclaim my new found inspiration of Robert Rooney.

Seeing the exhibition 'Endless Present'- Robert Rooney and Conceptual Art has opened me up to a new playing field. i absolutely loved the work. I really want to 'take' his and the other displaying artists/photographers ideas for the Narrative and Sequence assignment.

 ROGER CUTFORTH- Location Piece #1, 1969

 SETH SEIGELAUB - March 1-31, 1969


This is a little about the exhibition and the exact reason i fell in love:
(taken from the NGV website)

"This exhibition presents a selection of conceptual photographs and artists’ books produced in Melbourne and internationally during the 1960s and 1970s.  The works reveal an interest in ideas or concepts rather than in the physical form of the work.  They also display a fascination with serial-based practice and the everyday – the ‘endless present’ of daily existence.  The exhibition will feature the work of Robert Rooney, Ed Ruscha, Sol LeWitt and others.  It provides an opportunity to view rare and significant conceptual works by key international artists, and to examine the transmission of these works and ideas to Melbourne.

The majority of works on display in Endless Present have been gifted to the NGV by the artist and writer Robert Rooney.  Rooney began collecting Australian and international materials related to conceptual art in the 1960s, through galleries, artists, and via mail order. Many of these publications and artworks had not made their way to Australia at the time when Rooney was collecting them, and many are rarely seen here today."

I am thinking i want to re-create these old style images and old times.
This relates to the theme directly and i have always wanted to research the times of the 70's and 80's.
I am not really sure how to recreate these times but im sure ill have to do research into history but also the history of cameras and see what i can beg, borrow or steal (.... only joking... or am i? )
I hope i can pull this off....

hello 1969.

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